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Gurudatta Joglekar Co-Founder, O2, Breathing Brains! A Training and Placement Institute

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I love you
Lot of people suffer from the lack of belief in oneself due to the humiliation of others and trust breaking actions of others or rather being used as a stepping stones to gain confidence or trust of others. That prevents them from achieving their goals. It’s some sort of mental and emotional quagmire that holds them back. There’s a way to pull oneself out of that ditch and it all starts by putting value back to oneself and building up self-confidence.
Deal with your inferiority
Inferiority breeds because of one’s lack of belief in oneself. And you can’t claim that it’s something you’re born with. It’s more on the nurtured side of things where experiences like having a humiliating experience or a being bullied at school or having a personal defect, not one in my respect.
Because of these experiences, one tends to have low self-esteem and loses the will to be great. However, still, in that person’s mind rages the desire to make something great of oneself. These two clash together.
The trick here (and the most tricky part too) is to overcome the first dilemma. You have to go back to those memories and understand how they happened and what effects they’ve done to your life. You should convince yourself that no what other people said or thought about you, you’re your own person. Acknowledge your uniqueness and tell yourself that nothing makes you less human.
Set realistic goals
Once you start putting value back to yourself again, the next step is to make gain success to boost your morale and self-esteem up. However, don’t go overboard on your goals. Set small realistic ones that you can achieve. You don’t want to risk the effort of overcoming the first hump only to rush headstrong on a solid brick wall. So it’s a matter of winning small battles to eventually win the war. With each battle won, you’ll notice that your confidence grows too. Be a proud winner.
Build up discipline
The only way you can win those battles is through discipline. Pay attention to the smallest things and make a habit and routine out of things. However, don’t get trapped in the details too much that you miss out on your main objective.
Beef up on social skills
Now that you’re. It’s time to interact with people. Fostering natural relationships with people is what normal people do. If you always have thought that the world is against you and nobody likes you, think again. Maybe it’s just the childish environment of school that made people call you names. But as people mature, most wise up. In fact, most people are friendly. Try smiling casually at people that you meet on the subway or on the street. You’ll be surprised at how most will throw back a smile at you.
And hey, the wheel will turn for sure. Its destiny, everything pays off, the good, the bad; the false, the true!
As I’ve written, the hardest part here is the first one - overcoming insecurities and the feeling and thought of being inferior. Just learn to love yourself and everything will fall into place.
Love you Gurudatta!

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