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Gurudatta Joglekar Co-Founder, O2, Breathing Brains! A Training and Placement Institute

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Too much, too less…

You have a task in hand and you’re getting along fine, maybe in an absent-minded kind of way, then something happens, you start thinking about what you’re doing and the whole operation goes to pieces. Our conscious mind has a weird way of messing up activities for no reason, when it comes to chose one of the many tasks to do. The only solution out of this is to give lesser options to our immature mind which will make it a bit easier for it to go with one specific task. May be it will prefer to go with 2-3 tasks, being in this 21st century, where multi-tasking is, a pretty popular asset for a one to possess.

There’s a critical threshold to everything. The quantum threshold varies from person to person and situation to situation. Nobody will dare to advocate Mark Twain’s quote ‘Too much of anything is bad’ when it comes to water, food, money, knowledge, love, kindness, joy, sex, etc. But, believe me or not, too much of any of these things is bad too. Take for instance water, food, etc excess of which may lead to death even. Excess of knowledge, love etc is surely a debatable issue. Knowledge surely is never in excess, unless one doesn’t use it at a proper place and at a proper time and it becomes a burden for him. Excess of love from parents may become a headache but when it comes to love from girlfriend, it’s a pretty good ‘asset’! Personal issue; Sorry to peep in..!

No doubt there are some abstract things; it’s my personal view, excess of which makes us proud .Take for instance, the willingness to help other. But, feeling proud or feeling ashamed, rather, loaded, with the excess of this specific thing depends on the charity of the mind of the person. So, it’s a personal issue again.

I am, unable to come to conclusion and I guess all are, whether excess of anything is bad or good. It may be said that, the quote by Mark Twain is true in general sense.

To me personally, excess of anything is bad. Too much thinking of anything is the worst thing, to you and also to the person whom you are thinking of. So, think too less. Willingness to help others is an exception to the quote.

1 comment:

FrostBite said...

Excess of something is bad because the person handling the excess is inadequate.....from my experience...i have lived life on the extremes....still do.....for me the saying "The Path of excess leads to the Tower of Wisdom" is better said........if u can handle the excess....thats an experience worth having........